Test Anytime
When you submit this voucher request, you'll be emailed a voucher number—to your CSU emaill address—along with instructions for how to start your test. Your voucher will be valid for 2 weeks. If your voucher expires, please email: examinations@xingtaiyichuang.com.
Note: we will not send your test voucher to a personal email address. You must check your CSU email address for official University communications.
Once you complete your exam, you will be provided a score report. We recommend you save or print a copy of the score report to bring to your Academic Advisor.
Request a Voucher:
Technology Requirements to Test Anytime:
Below are the technology requirements for testing anytime:
Desktop or laptop computer with a working camera, microphone, and internet service.
Note: Smartphones and tablets cannot be used to take placement exams.
You may be asked to perform a 360-degree room/work area scan using your webcam, which will be monitored by the proctor. The proctor may ask you to remove items in the room and re-check the room. If your workspace does not pass a room scan, you will not be permitted to proceed with taking the exam.
If you don't meet the system requirements above, you would need to schedule an in-person exam instead. If you would rather test with a proctor, you may sign-up for an in-person or virtual appointment: